Welcome to Fjätervålen!

Winter season 24/25
Fjätervålen skiresort is open 21 Dec 2024 – 27 Apr 2025
Our cottages, apartments and motorhome parking area, can be booked Saturday-Saturday or Sunday-Sunday. Weeks 2-6, 10-15 can also be booked Sunday-Thursday or Thursday-Sunday

The motorhome parking area can be booked 5 June – 30 September 2024 and 21 December – 27 April.
The rest of the facility is closed

If you can’t find what you’re looking for. Try another arrival day!
During winterseason you book our cabins and motorhome parking Saturday, Sunday or Thursday, as arrival days.

Need help? Contact us on phone +46 253-211 43 or via e-mail bokning@fjatervalen.se

We use Klarna as a payment service. Read more about Klarna’s payment terms here! For questions regarding your payment, we refer to Klarnas customer service which is open 24 hours a day!
Our Booking terms, see here!